Slim & Grin Life Coaching
Newport Complementary Health Clinic offers mood and food life coach sessions especially for people like you to aid weight loss naturally and healthily. We invite you to be part of a unique weight loss experience that offers motivation, inspiration, support and results.
Achieve your goals of weight loss, exercise motivation, better health and participation in a healthy diet, by engaging in individually tailored coaching sessions that allow you to remove the blocks and obstacles that have up to now, prevented you from achieving your dreams of being slimmer, healthier and fitter. Commitment to the ‘Slim and Grin’ sessions, ensures success.
We understand the difficulties that you face in this area and use therapies that address all aspects of weight loss. Attention is given to food, exercise, nutritional support, health issues, emotional eating, mental blocks, motivation and self-sabotage problems. Experience has shown that unless all aspects of your health are considered, any results achieved, will be short lived.
Improving your relationship with food and learning the difference between ‘real’ hunger and ‘emotional’ hunger could result in you avoiding serious health conditions associated with being overweight.
As your individual goals are assessed and monitored throughout the sessions, you can expect to make the right lifestyle choices which will not only result in a weight loss, but allow you to feel healthier by easily managing a regular exercise programme, and enjoyment of eating a healthy, plentiful variety of foods. Most importantly, these sessions encourages long term, sustainable results.
This is not a diet. This is not calorie counting. This is not a fad. Expect to throw all that you think you know about weight loss out of the window and make the commitment now to being free from the weight that is holding you back.