Physical Therapy
Physical therapy treats acute or chronic pain, movement and physical impairments resulting from injury, trauma or illness typically of musculoskeletal or neurological origins. it is used to improve a patients physical function through examination, identification, prognosis, patient education and rehabilitation.
Physical therapy addresses the disfunction or injuries that limit a persons ability to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. Treatment will generally include manual therapy, manipulation, mobilisation techniques, specific stretches and exercises.
•Migraines •Tendonitis •Pelvic Alignment •Pain Linked to Posture •Nerve Irritation |
•Tennis Elbow •Frozen Shoulder •Sciatica •Restricted Range of Motion •Leg Length Discrepancy |
•Whiplash •Carpal Tunnel Syndrome •Repetitive Strain Injury •Arthritic Conditions •Muscular Pains |
On your first visit to the clinic you will be required to fill out a confidential patient questionnaire. As well as helping with assessment, this will provide information relating to GP or specialist appointments attended. This is important as with patient permission, it can give the therapist access to any relevant scan or x-ray results, which could assist with treatment. Also, a list of medical conditions and prescribed drugs will be noted on the questionnaire, helping ensure that the appropriate form of treatment is provided. Once completed, further questions will be asked to help determine "primary pathology", what is actually going wrong to cause the pain, weakness or lack of motion. The term "secondary pathology" relates to how you feel, what hurts, what lacks motion, what lacks sensation etc... "All of these symptoms let you know something is wrong, but not what has gone wrong. My job is to determine primary pathology and get to the root cause of your problem."
Following on from our conversation a thorough examination will be performed in relation to your presenting symptoms. Involving isolated muscle testing, the functionality of the nervous system and specific joint analysis. With all this information we'll discuss what I've found and go over an appropriate treatment plan.
The type of treatment received varies from patient to patient and from session to session. It may include Remedial Massage to restore muscle function, Muscle Energy Techniques and Positional Release Techniques to make structural adjustments to the spine and other joints. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) and Fascial Release Techniques amongst others could also be used. All of these techniques aim to promote correct alignment of bone and soft tissue, bringing about a pain free situation.
Where appropriate, specific exercises or stretches will be shown that can be used away from the clinic. These will initially help to speed up recovery, allowing for less treatment, and ultimately help to maintain correct muscle tone and alignment. This can help to reduce the frequency of future appointments.
"At the clinic I aim to provide the best service possible to all of my patients including if necessary, referral to their GP for further investigation. I offer care for the full musculo-skeletal system to patients from all walks of life including professional athletes, office workers, pregnant and new mothers, children, manual workers, the elderly, in fact anyone can benefit. No one has to suffer pain or discomfort."
Everyone is treated with professionalism and privacy is respected at all times. "I strive to provide the best service possible to all patients in a warm and caring environment."